Bitcoin pizza day; 10,000 bitcoins for two pizzas


It has become a legendary moment in the history of cryptocurrency

22nd,2010 was forever fossilized into collective memory of Bitcoin field named with “Bitcoin pizza day” on this day, Laszlo Hanyecz made one of difficult fateful decision in his life, Hanyecez posted a forum offering 10,000 bitcoins for pizza exchange.Three days later and Hanyecz still haven’t got his pizzas said to himself “nobody wants to get me pizzas for BTC am I offering too low Bictoins for two large pizzas” a day after Hanyecz finally recived a respond form papa john’s and they accepted his offer then he got his pizzas.  


      screenshot of Laszlo’s original post

At this time Bitcoin was in its beginning not many people using it,  Hanyecez’s offer by exchanging 10,000 Bitcoins for two large pizzas from papa john’s was still relatively obscure or not an important event but it become apparent significantly in years that followed


      Laszlo Hanyecz and his children

 At that time transaction of Bitcoin pizza day was not fully recognized, the situation does not matter it wasn’t until years later, as the value of Bitcoin become to raise and the cryptocurrency gained a lot of attention. wherefore Hanyecz pizza purchase become widely spread and known

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That 10,000 Bitcoins for pizzas would become at the end

Worth millions of dollars.the huge rise of Bitcoin value over the years what was thought a frivolous expenditure into one of the most expensive pizzas in the history.that story become a source of fascination for bitcoin lovers and reminder for them in the incredible wealth they could achieve if they invest in cryptocurremcy early


 The main moral of this story is the importance of experimentation and vision in shaping the future of finance , the story is also challenging the traditional notions of crypto and value exchange it has inspired a lot of people to explore cryptocurrency field and the nature of money itself, sometimes the most revolutionary ideas can arise from the simplest thing, forever altering the cource of history

    the picture of the pizzas.

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